Our selection of 5 named iris from among our best growers. All shades and sizes. A wonderful ’starter’ collection.These iris are easy to grow in any sunny well drained soil where the sun can fall directly upon the rhizome. They are perfect for the base of a sunny wall or raised bed.They are very floriferous,producing their large flowers in late April.I grow them under my pleached pears where they associate happily with tulips.
Height 5 - 12"
Flowers: April
Dwarf bearded iris . This is a strong growing cultivar with rich cream flowers and gold marked falls . They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall beared iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Flowers April
Price: 3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris This is a strong growing cultivar with white flowers speckled with blue-purple that nearly smother the plant. They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 6"
Flowers: April
3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris This is a strong growing cultivar with soft lemon-yellow flowers of much substance and a striking orange beard that nearly smother the plant. They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
DBI Easy plants for a dry sunny bed - top of wall or rock garden
Height: 10"
Flowers: April
Price:3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris A striking plant with large lemon flowers with pale mustard falls and blue beards They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height 9"
Price: 3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris This is a vigorous variety with deep maroon flowers and a purple beard. They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 6"
Flowers: April
Price: £3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris Tiny lemon yellow flowers smother the plant. White beard, They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 4"
Flowers: April
Price: 3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris A wonderful, unusual mix of purple and gold with a blue beard. They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 4"
Flowers: April
Price: 3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris A delightful intense red-purple dwarf iris with a glowing gold beard. Very dwarf and free flowering - the flowers smother the plant . They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 4"
Flowers: April
3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris the white fowers are veined in purple. Very dwarf and free flowering - the flowers smother the plant . They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 4"
Flowers: April
3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris A striking plant with neat white flowers with a hint of yellow in the Very dwarf, vigorous and free flowering.They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 5"
Flowers: April
Price: ; 3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris beautiful lemon standards and rich gold falls. Very dwarf and free flowering - the flowers smother the plant . They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 4"
Flowers: April
3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris Large, well-formed flowers with soft apricot gold falls and ivory-white standards all beautifully frilled. Very vigorous and free flowering.They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Flowers: April
3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris Large, creamy-white flowers with pale lemon-yellow veins on standards and falls. Most unusual. Scented. Very vigorous and free flowering.They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 12"
Flowers: April
Price: 3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris Very dwarf. Golden yellow with a dramatic mahonany thumbprint on the falls. Very vigorous and free flowering.They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 6"
Flowers: April
3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris Large, striking flowers with an intense ginger mark on the falls and pale, veined standards. Pale blue beard. Unusual and popular. Easy plants for a dry sunny bed - top of wall or rock garden.
They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 6"
Flowers: April
3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris Very dwarf. Very distinct with bronzed gold falls, pale standards and a blue beard. Very vigorous and free flowering.They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 4"
Flowers: April
3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris A neat white iris with a green mark on the fas. Very vigorous and free flowering.They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 8"
Flowers: April
3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris Very dwarf. A wonderful mix of lemon and lilac with a blue beard. . Very vigorous and free flowering.They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 4"
Flowers: April
3 = £6.00
An intermediate bearded iris with striking deep black-red flowers with a brown beard. A perfect foil for tulip Queen of Night. Very vigorous and one of the all time best. Easy plants for a dry sunny bed - top of wall or rock garden. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards..
Height: 20"
Flowers: April
£4.00 each; 3 = £11.00
Dwarf bearded iris A delightful iris with beautifully formed creamy flowers with a lemon mark on the falls. Dwarf and free flowering - the flowers smother the plant . They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 6"
Flowers: April
Price 3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris A delightful intense purple dwarf iris with velvet purple horizontal falls. Very dwarf and free flowering - the flowers smother the plant . They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 4"
Flowers: April
3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris A delightful darf with dusky-rose flowers with deep magenta falls. Very vigorous and free flowering.They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 6"
Flowers: April
Price: £ 3 = 6.00
Dwarf bearded iris Taller than many this dramatic iris almost defies desciption. The whole deep bronzy gold flower is splashed with purple with a dramatic brilliant orange beards. They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 10"
Flowers: April
3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris This almost defies decription. It has large white flowers heavily suffused with bright violet veins with a lemon and russet centre. Striking and very unusual. Very vigorous and free flowering.They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards.
Height: 7"
Price: 3 = £6.00
Miniature Tall Bearded Iris.
One of the new race of bearded iris. Although only 14" tall it has up to 4 perfect miniature flowers scattered up the stem. A gentle mix of purple shades. Absolutely delightful Easy plants for a dry sunny bed , top of wall or rock garden. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards..
Height: 14"
Flowers: April-May
Price: £4.00 each; 3 = £11.00
Dwarf bearded iris This beautiful iris really lives upto its name. The white flowers have lemon washed falls and dramatic blue beard. They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards..
Height: 4"
Flowers: April
Price: 3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris This beautiful iris really lives upto its name. It is a wonderful shade of pale peach mixed with lavender-pink and ochre. Very floriferous. They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards..
Height: 6"
Flowers: April
Price: 3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris This beautiful iris makes a free flowering patch of bright yellow flowers, each with an intese red/brown mark. They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards..
Height: 6"
Flowers: April
Price: 3 = £6.00
Dwarf bearded iris This beautiful iris has flowers with striking rich velvety-purple falls and paler tissue-paper standards. One of the best, absolutely covered in flowers. Sightly later than most. Floriferous. They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris. Plant the rhizomes at the surface with the roots going downwards..
Height: 8"
Flowers: April
Price: 3 = £6.00