These dramatic S African bulbs with their heads of large pale pink trumpet flowers are useful for late autumn display. The flowers appear before the leaves.These large bulbs are best planted in a warm, sunny border, preferab;ly under a south facing wall with their necks just above ground. Congested clumps flower best. If the clumps become shaded they will cease flowering. Do not confuse them with the indoor Hippeastrum
Clusters of pink lily-like flowers on naked stems. They need a very sunny sheltered situation where they receive as much sun as possible on the bulbs. Plant just below the soil. Huge bulbs!
Flowers: Sep-Nov
Price 3 = £10.00
Magnificent heads of pure white flowers opening from creamy buds. My bulbs originally came from Lady Walton. We keep it under glass.It is probably not as hardy as the standard variety.
They need a very sunny sheltered situation where they receive as much sun as possible on the bulbs. Plant just below the soil. Huge bulbs!
Flowers: Sep-Nov
Price 3 = £10.00
Magnificent heads of intense deep pink trumpet flowers on dark stems. . Like the type it is best against a sunny wall where it can be left to form clumps in time. We can only spare a few of these magnificent bulbs.
Flowers: Sep-Oct
=those plants given the Award of Garden Merit by the RHS.
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